
2024-08-28 05:07 金沙网页





张琼说。以下是世界羽联报道全文:Monks Belief in Badminton an Inspirational StoryBelief is a powerful word and translating it into positive action can bring the best out of persons even in the most challenging circumstances.It is now the title of a Redbull China documentary focusing on badminton and featuring Lingyin Temples monks enjoying and even excelling at the sport.Founded in AD326, Lingyin Temple in Chinas West Lake in Hangzhou has a history of about one thousand and seven hundred years. Monks there have built a simple badminton court between two Rohan halls and the facility is now home to the only Chinese Buddhist badminton team. Since its establishment in May 2010, the Lingyin Temple Badminton Team has had more than ten players. They train twice weekly, two hours per session.To improve their technical level, the temple has hired a professional coach who used train former national champion Fu Qiang and Cheng Gang. In April, Lingyin Temple Badminton Team participated in the Yu Lin Ceremony 2013 Redbull City badminton games which is Chinas largest and most powerful amateur badminton event with 30 provinces, 173 cities and almost 6000 teams participating. The tournament uses the mixed-group format, in the same vein as BWFs Sudiman Cup. In their first appearance in major competition, Lingyin Temple Badminton Team shocked fans by beating Hangzhou Railway Station for the second runner-up prize, thereby qualifying for the Zhejiang finals.In the video, Lingyin Temple Badminton Team captain, Master Yan Kong (also the abbot of Lingyin Temple) declares badminton should be a way of life.It is a very meaningful thing for Buddhism and badminton to come together. Through badminton, players are able to understand their strengths and weaknesses better. One is able to overcome his weakness through Buddhism meditation which can ultimately become a good habit. Secretary General of Badminton World Federation (BWF) Thomas Lund complimented the video and sent best wishes to Lingyin Temple badminton players who will compete in the upcoming Redbull Badminton Tournament.Our sponsor, Redbull China has put together an awe-inspiring video that displays badminton beautifully. Its obvious the monks at Lingyin Temple have a relentless passion for the sport.Their belief which coincidentally is the name of the video is reminiscent of BWFs message that badminton is a great sport which we want to promote and share with people across the world.译文如下:激励人心的故事僧侣对羽毛球的信念信念是一个有着无尽力量的词,即便是在最糟糕的境遇中,它也能转化成为正面的能量从而带给人美好。同时,《信念》也是中国红牛公司拍摄的一部羽毛球纪录片的名称,讲述了灵隐寺的僧侣们不仅怡然自得地参与到这项运动中,并且羽功高强。灵隐寺始建于公元326年,坐落在中国杭州西湖畔,距今已有1700年历史。






